A second window for your LC IDE Script Editor
Script Buddy was written following an idea based on a request posted on the LC User List.
The idea is to have a second window open to edit the LC script, well this isn't the perfect answer, but it could prove useful to some.
I've added a few extra ideas like being able to save and print the Script Buddy text.
Please click the 'info' button in the stack for more details.
I welcome any feedback or ideas for improvements.
Revision 2.
1. Added undo/redo
2. Added Open to open previously saved text files.
3. Now marks the Script as 'Dirty' so the SE Tab marker dot turns from green to yellow indicating the script needs to be compiled.
4. Added a line number column.
Revision 3.
Fixed a couple of bugs - Actually workarounds to make SB more compatible with LC from LC5.5.5 to LC8.0
Revision 6.
Added the ability to copy plain text from Script Buddy. Hold down the Alt Key when clicking on the Copy button.
Revision. 7.
Bug fix.
Revision 8.
Another small Bug Fix to allow RTF files to save correctly.
Revision 9.
Fixed a bug with field resizes during Undo/Redo