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File Utility

Utility (54) |
Expander triangle
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  • Glenn E Fisher
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  • 7
  • 2914 Times
  • 26 May 2009
File Utility
This stack hsa the ability to process a group of files and change their attributes.

Original:Jun 2006, Current Apr 10, 2009.

Updated test join saved layout on May 15, 2009.

Added the images to the stack to fix the gray-out problem on may 7, 2009.

Updated addSuffix and delSuffix on May 17, 2009

Added a new tool named find on May 26, 2009.

Click on the "Help" button in the "Controls" window to get general help.

Click on a tool icon in the "File Tools" window to get help with that tool.

Click on the "Clear Layout" button in the "Controls" window to clear the current Layout and then click on the "View Saves" to look through them with the arrow buttons.

Click on then "Load" button to put the current save into the layout so you can run it.

Have fun,

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Expander triangle
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