Create Cartesian Grids v 2.0
A simple stack to automatically draw a set of labeled cartesian axes for use in another application eg student worksheet, whiteboard, OHP etc
Fixed error in v1.9 that prevented images of grids being saved.
The main script of this stack is held in the script of the 'Create Grid' button. This stack will construct a grid up to +99 to -99 on both x and y axes.
The number of unit divisions can be varied as can the
physical size of each unit. The visibility of the background Grid itself can also be toggled.
The completed grid can be dragged around the screen to allow parts drawn offscreen to be seen - make
sure to grab one of the lines.
The completed grid can then be exported in any one of PNG, JPEG or GIF formats.
The complete button script can be used independently of this stack by passing 9 parameters
(xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax, theXScale, theYScale, the number of ticks per X unit, the number of ticks per Y unit and
one of "Show" or "Hide" to toggle the display of the grid lines in the main handler allowing for the functionality
to be included in any other project. This removes the restriction on the maximum size of the grid.
Note that there is limited error checking. So the following points need to be borne in mind:
Max and Min values should be integers
Ensure that zero is included within the range of both Axes (User cntrl panel does this)
Do not use zero as the number of divisions put unit - a value of 1 shows units only
Divisions of 1, 2, 4, 5, 8 and 10 work best. (User ctrl panel ensures this)
When choosing a scale use multiples of 10 and for best results ensure that the number of divisions chosen is a factor of the scale value.