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Times Table Tester

Maths (14) | Test (8) | Numbers (5) | Quiz (2)
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  • Ian McKnight
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  • 1917 Times
  • 16 April 2009
Times Table Tester v5
There are 66 unique number facts to learn in the
0 x 0 to 10 x 10 tables. In this stack n x m is treated as being the same as m x n, one representation being randomly chosen at the start of the test. The order of presentation is also random.

This stack produces a timed display of all 66 so that
students can practice their recall of the facts. An audible beep signals a change of question.

The delay bewteen number facts can be altered.

The number facts and answers are displayed at the end of the test for
checking purposes.

An answersheet can be printed out for use by the students.
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