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Portal Chess

Game (40)
Expander triangle
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  • Mark Hidden
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  • 10
  • 2452 Times
  • 06 October 2014

Added example Games under Help.
Fixed Promotion Bug .
Fixed speed issues under Visual view. (still slow but more as it should be)

4-8-10 A porthole King bug fixed, Ie if a king dies on porthole...
whats new...
you can now win.
If you take the king you will be declared the winner when the other side moves.
menu's has undo copy past and replay. to see what you have copyed you need to past it in a text file. And this can be pasted back in and it will reset the board to were you were, undo will take you back throught the game.

View Menu can be a bit odd, if you are in visual mode, it will run slow because it will give you a lot of feeback on the inter workings of the logic... it also helps you see how a move works... coulbe be usfull for showing how moves work. you can switch back to fast at any time... even during playback wich is cool...

if I get some more time I will update the help so you can go to help and examples,

I also removed the nav stack, it was realy a bad idea,

makes it web safe.

Not much has chnaged, but I removed the two buttons and put help and open and close nave in the menue
stucture so help will open the web porthole for rules, and about will take you to portholechess.com. rember restarting the game, will usaly fix issues, pchess.on-rev.com was update as well. Still not windows 7 I notice, but I guess that is a know issue. Also should be less scarry because it will not ask for acess to your computer.

It seems this is the web clean version: still in alpha, those, the weblet version had be found here:
Help is broken… sorry about hat.

Rules are at Portholechess.com
Feedback is always welcome
Wow… http://pchess.on-rev.com/ seem to work under vista and Chrome, but not 7. have not yet been tested in Linux or Mac . I was hoping testing like this would not be necessary but alas it seems it needs to be.

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Mark Hidden
Apr 8, 2010
a good link to test it online.