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Recipes (2)
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  • Peter Brigham
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  • 1608 Times
  • 12 April 2014
RecipeFile is a little stack for storing, sharing and printing out recipes
This application is a handy way to store recipes, an alternative to that overstuffed folder of loose pieces of paper you keep somewhere in your kitchen. Print out a copy of a recipe when you are going to cook Ñ that way when it gets covered in butter and sauce you can just toss it. Also, it's easy to print extra copies when your guests say, "I've got to have that recipe!" Plus, you can import and export recipes to/from the clipboard or a text file with just a mouseclick, so you can collect and share recipes easily via email or the web.

Version 2.1 adds the ability to import images and link them to a recipe. Now you can preserve the original hand-written recipes that have nostalgia value -- I know that we have some old ones from our mothers that we don't want to lose. Or you can import a photo of a finished dish or of a tricky intermediate step in preparation.
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