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Shell Command Help

Developer tool (35) | Plugin (33) | Shell (6) | Cross platform (3) |
Expander triangle
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  • Phil Davis
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  • 2756 Times
  • 07 January 2011
Get Rev shell() command help from the OS
Shell Command Help gives you quick access to Help info for shell commands. It retrieves Help information from the OS for the shell command you enter in the lookup field.

New features added in January 2011:
- You can pick your command from the scrolling list of commands!
- You can adjust the width of the list as needed.
- If retrieving info about a listed command causes LC to quit, you can reopen this plugin in LC and right-click on the command to permanently remove it from the list.

New features added in December 2010!
- Search for words in the displayed help text.
- Print the displayed help text.
- Use arrow keys to retrieve previous commands (like the LC message box).
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