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Expander triangle
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  • Robert Maniquant
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  • Stack
  • 1
  • 1356 Times
  • 10 September 2009
Simple Revlet Form - version 1
Here is a simple stack meant to be saved as a revlet, to make a Revlet Form that can replace standard html forms.

What it shows is 1) how easily a more sophisitcated user experience can be achieved (i did not say a better user experience!)
and 2) how you can use it as a module that will adapt to its environment using the start params of the revlet (to enhance, adapt)

Please do update, enhance and repost using version numbering and specifying what has been added. Thanks

It would be great to add
-- better emailing capabilities, on mac & pc
-- direct database communication,
--- a very basic simple file updating on an on-rev server, no?


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