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Game (40) | Color Controls (6) |
Expander triangle
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  • Bernd Niggemann
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  • 2090 Times
  • 05 February 2010
Puzzle to match colors
Example stack of one way how to do a puzzle (came up on the forum)
Grab a color from the bottom pane and drag it to the corresponding spot on the top pane.
Colors, Colors distribution in the 5 rows and Color shades adjustable by sliders.
Might help refine one's color discrimination skills.
Heavily commented code, hope it is helpful.
Uses Monte Goulding's colorLib.

Mind you: if you click in the lower part a color piece sticks to the mouse, click again to drop it.
This is to facilitate color comparisons by obviating the need to keep the mousebutton down.

As a revlet you can find it here
I think it is only FireFox that supports Revlets of the current Browsers, use that one.
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Expander triangle
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Expander triangle
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Ben Beaumont
Feb 17, 2010
I have to say I really like this! First of all it looks beautiful even though the interface is very simple. The puzzle seems easy until you reduce the number of colours right down making it quite a challenge.. A nice original concept. Well done!