Mac App Safe File Paths, App Store Submit Guidelines. Bonus ScrollWheel code.
This is very basic stuff. It is an example of supported file paths for mac apps, that are going to be submitted for sale with the mac app store.
The examples here are proven working file path supported for mac app store. Applications using these have been approved for the mac app store.
Note: the temp folder version in this example because the specialfolder(temp) variation has been rejected, in previous mas submissions. The temp name variation in this example has been approved with an app submission.
## Bonus Stuff ##
There is an added bonus script in this stack, the info tab / grp_Info has an nice working scroll wheel script. That can be used with an scrolling field or group and an mouse scroll wheel.
## end Bonus Stuff ##
The first version of this stack had an cantModify set to true, it now false to peak at the stack without opening the message box.
For an little more info check out the revup newsletter @ runrev site. Issue #100
This is one of two stacks from that. revup thing. I've added both here based on feedback from other rev scripters.