iOS Integration - launch iOS app clients.
This stack shows how to open content with Apple /iOS built in apps:
¥ Google Map Client.
-- Map an location or locations within the google map client, on the device.
-- Get Directions from point A to Point B within the google map client, on the device.
(Uses Googles Map API)
¥ You Tube Viewer Client
-- Go To Video
(Uses YouTubes API)
¥ iTunes Music Store (ITMS) / App Store
-- Go To Publisher/ Developer page, showing all products.
-- Go to an Product Page
(Uses ITMS / App Store Links)
There more options than in this example.
To get this to work within Livecode iOS, all you need to do is use launch.
Note the example only function correctly on an actual device. The simulator opens safari, the device opens; The YouTube App, The Mapps App, and The App Store App.