Play embeded YouTube and Vimeo html5 video in iOS stack.
This is an simple example stack showing how to use the UIWebview to view html 5 videos from youtube and vimeo (also can be used with other html 5 video sites.) With in Livecode iOS stack. The video plays without shutdown or quitting your app.
The Video also can play fullscreen in the MoviePlayer.
To get html 5 video from youTube check out this info:
all vimeo video is all ready HTML 5 ready.
Make sure to register apps for developer keys with google and vimeo.
This is super simple and will work in the simulator. Just select iOS 4.3 or later for the sdk.
Hey have fun.
Oh check out this URL for YouTube html 5 video:
Remember nothing impossible with code. Some times we just need to think out of the box or get an hint from some little birdy.
Also, the latest revmobileplugin I have shows ios 4.1 not 4.3 (although I just installed the 4.3 sdk on my computer). I am using Livecode 4.6.3