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Expander triangle
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  • Tom Healy
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  • 3128 Times
  • 15 January 2009
Guitar chord generator
Shows you different ways to play chords on a guitar in various areas of the neck.

Select the root note of the chord in the first list and then the type of chord ie. Major, minor etc. in the second list, theres some more obscure ones ommitted. The stack will then display the chord formula and notes needed to play it on the right hand side.

You can see how to actually arrange the notes on the fretboard in the bottom right corner. The controls in the left hand corner allow you to alter the guitar tuning and neck position. The voicing displayed might not always be that playable (unless you have extrememly flexible fingers) so changing the variant in the drop down box will hopfully produce at least a couple of easy ones.
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Expander triangle