Simple SQLite book database
This stack demonstrates how to create a simple, SQLite database.
An SQLite database is a local, single file SQL database. This sample stack shows you how to create a database file, add a table, query, add, update and delete the data in the database.
The SQLite file is named "bookLibraryData.sqlite" and is stored in the documents folder. When the stack is opened it attempts to connect to the database. If the database file exists then a connection is established, if not the file is created, a table added and some initial data is popuplated into the database as an example.
You can search within the book data, display details,add, update and delete books. You do need some knowlege of SQL to work with databases within LiveCode but if you are not experienced with SQL there are lots of great resources, links to some are included below.
The database handlers are implemented on the stack scripts and the UI based handlers on the card script. The code is fully commented throughout but some additional resources are listed below.
This stack is fully resizable, when the resizeStack message is received all controls and resized and laid out to fit the stack size.
This stack could easily be updated to use a server database such as MySQL or PostgreSQL.