Balloon game/ebook
This stack demonstrates how to create a small e-book/game using LiveCode.
The stack consists of a number of cards, each of which adds additional complexity.
The first card consists of a background image and a "Start" button. When pressed the "Start" button asks the user to enter
their name, stores it in a global variable for later use and moves to the first card.
Page 1
This card uses the move command to animate an image, moving automatically to the next card when the animation is complete.
Page 2
This card asks the user to move a player around the screen, collecting points and keeping track of the score. Whne the
necessary score is reached the instructions change and the user can move on to the next card.
This card also has a moving background to create the illusion of movement.
Page 3
This card is a variation of the previous card, this time with obstacles to be avoided.
Page 4
The last card is simply a congratulations messgae.
The stack demonstrates the use of sound and game loops.
The code is fully commented throughout with the majority of the code on the relevant card script.