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Telegram ChatBot

Expander triangle
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  • Alex Tweedly
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  • 2
  • 667 Times
  • 24 April 2017
ChatBot for Telegram (setting GPS location for an address).
Example stack showing very basic ChatBot for Telegram.

It allows you to specify a UK postcode, presents you with a list of addresses within that area, select one - and then set the current (GPS) location (which could be stored against that propery in a database - note this version is a demo - it does not allow saving any changes).

NB : To run this stack you need to be a Telegram user, register your own Bot, and then set the token you are given into line 11 of the card script.

UPDATE 2017-04-25
- eliminated unused and unneeded buttons, fields, etc.
- starts up autmatically
- removed caching checks - my website does that behind the scenes, so no need for this chatbot to ever touch the public server
- changes are now saved automatically (to a new file on the server - original is not overwritten)
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