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  • Ed Ray
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  • 761 Times
  • 31 August 2017
Annoucing a RegEx LC program some may find useful Annoucing a RegEx LC program some may find useful Annoucing a RegEx LC program some may find useful Annoucing a RegEx LC program some may find useful ounc ounc ounc Annoucing a RegEx program some ma
I just wanted other Livecode users to know that I created an app “appropriately” called: “RegExOneStopShop” that addresses ALL the main issues and many side issues that I and many others have brought up in this and other forums regarding the inadequacies found in the Regex related Live code built-in functions from the time of their first inception into Livecode through Livecode 9.

Sections [1] and [1.3] of the document titled “Documentation for using RegExOneStopShop” covers all these related details.

Instead of many disparate functions it’s an all in one solution with simple to detailed reports ranging from a single simple page to over 100 pages of detailed results color coded for ease of understanding the related regex matches, main headings and regex replacement entries.

Section [1.2] has an exhaustive list of the many regex related program benefits. We recommend a quick scan through this list to kindle your inquisitiveness. In addition, the program supports multi monitors in relation to be able to move the app through N monitors with distinct resolutions while maintaining the SAME physical app window and control sizes across all these different screens. It even does this scaling on a single monitor automatically, if the user changes the screen resolution size on-the-fly.

The documentation includes a quick “Regular Expression (RegEx) Refresher” for those whose basic knowledge may have dwindled over time or for those wanting to become more familiar with general RegEx functionality to make the best use of this program.

The source code has been tested in all versions of window, Linux (Mint and Ubuntu distros) and in Mac OS 10.11.x El Capitan. Livecode versions 8 and 9 were used for testing and code construction.

All the needed program and related data are found in a single zip file called “RegexOneStopShop.zip” which can be downloaded from this link: https://1drv.ms/u/s!Arl3iluYwztdglD6DQQPmjVNBIfY

If the user wants to preview the FULL documentation prior to unzipping the zip contents and have full use of documentation links and other navigation aids regardless of their operating system or their desktop word processing app, please use this link: https://1drv.ms/w/s!Arl3iluYwztdglFEFZJaR-6ITRsM

For those users wanting a QUICK START please start with the “readme.txt” file once the contents have been unzipped.

Four test cases have been included to familiarize the users with the program. The readme.txt file provides basic knowledge of these test cases while the full documentation contains the details for the test setup, test type selection and the related test results. It is highly recommended for all users to run all four test cases and interpret the corresponding results PRIOR to inserting their own test cases because in doing so, the users will gain full confidence in using the program for their benefit.

Lastly, the file “Text bkgnd colors details & issues” NOT discussed in the readme.txt file to keep the starter readme information as brief as possible, describes in detail all the issues and problems that exists even at this point ACROSS distinct OS (Windows, Linux and Mac) when copying text highlights (colored text backgrounds) from the app’s test results page inside Livecode to subsequently paste them OUTSIDE of Livecode into word processors for subsequent use once the Livecode app closes.

Built-in and “work around” solutions are thoroughly discussed regarding what works and what does not work.

Hint: The “work around” solution provided by the program is working significantly better across all supported OS’s than the internal Livecode built-in solution as specified in the file with actual hands on test case evidence proving this to be a fact not just suppositions.

I am currently involved with some heavy-duty consulting, manage various software/requirement groups and teach at various institutions so I probably won’t have time to address most issues coming from the use of the program other than the program breaking and things of that nature in which case I would try to respond under those circumstances but I probably will steer clear of long winded rambling “philosophical” discussions etc. regarding its use. Everything that needed to be said regarding the programs intent and need for existence has already been clearly specified in Sections [1] and [1.3] of the documentation.

Hopefully most will find the program to be useful and helpful. Various test groups outside of Livecode have found the program to be very useful to the tune of over 80% of these initial test users per my collected data and feedback. These particular testers/initial users, used a corresponding executable since they had no desire to manipulate the source code or have Livecode installed on their systems.
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