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Make DocSet

Utility (54) | Developer tool (35) | HTML (8) | LC 8+9 (7) | File paths (5) | Documentation (2) | URL (2)
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  • James Hale
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  • 16 January 2023
A Dash docset creater for Livecode documentation
Version 3.8 - see release notes following description

"Dash" is a documentation and snippet manager for MacOs and iOS.

Tested against LC 9.6.8 and LC 10 dp4

The MacOS version of Dash is a paid for app.
The iOS version of Dash is FREE

Dash Docset readers also exist for:
Windows (Velocity & Zeal)
Linux (Zeal) and
Android (LovelyDocs).

"Make DocSet" requires LC 9.6.8 or above.
If you are using an ealrier version of LC just download the current community LC 8 or 9 to make the docset. The dictionary entries clearly state the version of LC that they refer to.
Note also that the API database structure was changed with LC8.2dp2 and LC9dp10.
Documentation structure within package also changed somewhere in LC 9 releases. Please use the latest release

"Make DocSet" will extract all the guides, images, dictionary entries and release notes from the IDE and format them intto "html".

It will then construct a docset package on your desktop (or directory of choice) containing all the html files, images and SQlite index required by Dash.

To install into Dash (assuming you have a copy) just double click.
To install on yout iOS device, transfer the file via iTunes to the Dash app.

As the docs are updated in each release of LiveCode you can use the stack regenerate the docset, should you wish, to ensure your copy is up to date.

Release Notes:
Version 3.8
¥ Fixed path details to images files for guides. I only discovered the change in image file placement, so I cannot say when this broke. It is now working.
Version 3.7
¥ After a very helpful forum discussion finally [yes really] fixed the syntax coloring. Seems the script utility function I was using needed to be initiallised.
My poking around looking to fix the problem actually did this initialsation. My previous "fixes" did nothing as the poking around fixed things.
I have now included code to correctly initialise the syntax coloring.

Version 3.6
¥ REALLY Re-enabled syntax coloring for code examples embedded in descriptions (I promise).

Version 3.5
¥ Re-enabled syntax coloring for code examples embedded in descriptions.

Version 3.4
¥ css modified to base font-sizes on percentage of base size.
This is to facilitate changing the display size for the companion stack "docset reader"

Version 3.3
¥ Finally completed "associations" linking algorithm for missing links.
Please report if any are still not working.

Version 3.2
¥ Corrected spacing and layout in Syntax examples.
¥ Enabled syntax coloring for code examples embedded in descriptions.

Version 3.1
¥ Corrected spacing and layout in code examples.

Version 3.0
¥ "Assocations" entries now link to appropriate master entry.
For example, if you look up "width" you will see it has the associations
If you now click on "button" you will see the OBJECT entry for button
listing all its associated properties etc.

Version 2.9
¥ Script colorization returns to the Syntax and Example sections

Version 2.8
¥ Now includes the "Extension" guides introduced in LC 9.01

Version 2.7
¥ Adjusted guide conversion to display all headers in left panel. Previously only level 2 headers were included, but this left access to many sections within the guides difficult. This means there is effectively a table of contents based on all header text within the document. Unifortunately due to non existant standards for writing the guides, many extra and redundant entries are presented.

Version 2.61
¥ Left a breakpoint set (oops)

Version 2.6
¥ Adjust LC version to catch the 9 series

Version 2.5
¥ Adjust internal cross ref to account for change of widget libray type to "module"

Version 2.4
¥ Fixed keyword index for database
(Control structures now appear under the key phrase "Control Structures".)

Version 2.3
¥Adjust script to summarise once more all library and widget associations under their respective entries.
¥Note that under the widget entries, some properties/mesages are present due to the docs being wrong!

Version 2.2
¥Include a summary table of entries associated with each object entry.

Version 2.1
¥ New dictionary handlers for LC8.2+ and LC9Dp10+
¥ Include the "library" name associated with the entry.

Version 2.0.1
¥ Reinstate code block detection
¥ Reinstate blockquote detection
¥ correct version check to allow 8.2 +

Version 2.0
¥ Complete reworking of extraction and formatting code
Now works directly on dictionary array
¥ All library and Widget entries now include a summary list of associated
dictionary entries
¥ All Datagrid entries listed under "Datagrid"
* Removed links in descriptions where multiple entries were possible and
correct one was ambiguous.

Version 1.9
¥ Account for colon in name
¥ Workaround for some errors in docs.

Version 1.8
- Script colorization in the Syntax and Example sections.
- Tidied up some formatting.
- Links to terms and other entries now limited to Summary, Changes,
Description and Related sections

Version 1.7
- Thanks to a suggestion from Monte Goulding in answer to a query about inserted line breaks in the ldoc files I have thrown out most of the V1.6 coding and substituting it with Monte's mergMarkdownToHtml external.
Works a treat and will probably be more robust.

Version 1.6
- Reworked formatting scripts to to handle description block as well as description blocks in Parameter and Value sections.
- Description blocks now handle correctly formatted code snippets.
- Description blocks now format lists (up to 2 levels) correctly.
- Reworked Examples section formatting to correctly group blocks of code.
- Added "Tags" values

Version 1.5
- fixed pesky "Related" entries, and tidied them up.

Version 1.4
- format for description section now correct.
- correct keyword lookup where multiple exists works again.
Note - dependent on a type being included in text as in
- Logo copyright info added.

Version 1.3
- Remove spurious heading from LCB entries
- Ensure entries with same name (but different domains) do not write
over each other.
- correct broken Guide links

Version 1.2

Note: Currently Dash does not recognise "glossary" nor "Control Structure"
as an entry type.
These entries are currently shown under the "Variables" entry in Dash.
I have written to ask these types be included.

- Bug fix on dictionary links appearing in description texts.
- Adjusted filenaming convention to correctly handle $ & [ and other
characters that require encoding but that does not interfere with hrefs.
- Special case for <>,<,>,<=,>= in sqlite index
- Modified interface, added release notes, moved plist and css to own pages
- Add ability to set location of docset
- Now deletes any previous docsets
- Progress indication.
- Really correctly corrected embarassing typo!

Version 1.1
- LC icon added.
- Table of contents added for Guides.
They will appear in the left pane when viewing a guide.

Version 1.0
- Initial release

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Mark Smith
Jan 24, 2023
Hi James, I think something got saved in your custom property cDfolder. I had to remove that to get it working. Best, Mark