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Utility (54) | LC 8+9 (7) | File paths (5) | Regex (3) | URL (2)
Expander triangle
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  • James Hale
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  • 868 Times
  • 25 March 2018
Folder Maker
FMaker is a utility stack to make folders/directories.

It will take a list of files from a directory (or a text file) and create folders with the same names as are in the list.

¥ the list can be edited within the stack,
¥ the list entries can have text removed or replaced
* GREP can be used
¥ if the list comes from a directory listing the files can be moved into the
newly created folders.
¥ it uses a couple of SVG widgets so hopefully you will see them.

I actually use it as a standalone on my Mac.

I handle quite a few media files which, after processing, need to be placed in a folder having the same (or similar) name.
Given I do this a lot this was definately a task that could be automated in some way.


Updated FMaker again:
Decided to use the mv shell command to move the files into folders.
The revCopyFile command was fine for small files but larger ones tended to take a while to copy.
mv seems to take the same time regardless of file size, even over network drives.

So the shell command being used is:
mv -f 'filepath' 'directorypath'
where both the "file" and "directory" paths are enclosed in single quotes, and any internal quotes are escaped and single quoted.
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