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Script Tracker

Utility (54) | Scripts (4) | Script Editor (2)
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  • Brian Milby
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  • Stack
  • 9
  • 694 Times
  • 31 May 2018
Easily maintain text copies of stack scripts.
Script Tracker allows you to select a stack and export copies of all scripts contained within the stack. Every time an export is made, it will also calculate and store a diff between the previous version and the one being saved. It will also detect external changes to the text files and import them if newer. There is an option to have the stack watch the script export folder and automatically import scripts as they are changed. This should allow editing in an external editor while working on the UI elements within the IDE.

Requires LC 9 (uses new version of [files(pFolder, "detailed")] and [messagedigest]) but could be adapted for earlier versions.

Update 2018-05-10: Skip dgGrid automatically generated groups and controls when exporting.
Update 2018-05-10: Added a script counter that displays how many scripts have been exported or checked.
Update 2018-05-19: Added preferences windows to configure defaults instead of editing constants. Manually create long id/name to avoid extra updates. [14]
Update 2018-05-20: Added a preference to sync on save. [16]
Update 2018-05-26: Added a preference to open scripts in an external editor. [22]
Update 2018-05-26: Will create a new script file if needed when using external editor. Disables group editing mode when performing syncs to ensure IDs/names are not changed. [24]
Update 2018-05-30: Stack menu will include IDE stacks if Alt key is down when clicked. Scripts now saved encoded as UTF-8. [32]

Code viewable online at https://github.com/bwmilby/lc-misc/tree/master/ScriptTracker
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