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Clock build with SVG Widgets

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  • capellan2000@gmail.com
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  • 399 Times
  • 29 August 2018
Build a Clock with SVG Multicolor Widget
This stack was build in response to a request asking how we could use SVG widgets to build a clock.

Requires LiveCode 8 and Peter Thirkell's SVG Multicolor Widget that you could download from this forum post:

Use this stack as starting point for building a more complete clock with an svg widget.
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Expander triangle
    User Comments
    Expander triangle
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    Paul McClernan
    Sep 7, 2018
    LiveCode 9.x now has built in color SVG support. See drawingSvgCompileFile in the dictionary. Also look at my AVMIDIPlayer stack for a method of embedding and on the fly loading of a Widget or Library Extension.