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LiveCode Multi-Search

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  • Andy Piddock
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  • 14
  • 1042 Times
  • 30 April 2019
One Search box 10 sites searched
Full notes here

1.0.8 added LC Quality Centre and use-livecode Mail List searching.

1.0.7 lcmsresources.txt saves to specialFolderPath("Home") on Linux, Win/Mac remains specialFolderPath("Documents").

The option to exclude a search target was added in v1.0.6, this allows for quicker search returns if you are only intersted in searching a subset of all the search targets available. To exclude a target, click on the green segment above the target to exclude. The segment will turn red to show that this target has been excluded from the next searches. Click again to reset, the segment will turn green.

1.0.5 - Change default save location for the resources file to user/documents.
*** resources file has been RENAMED to lcmsresources.txt to avoid conflicts with other resources files in the user/documents folder.
file bug fixed for OS X - thanks Jacque

1.0.4 - added resources dropdown menu. This menu is built from a text file which if it does not exist is created on startup.
The text file can be added too with your favourite resource links in the form of menu item,web link
e.g. LiveCode Super Site,http://livecodesupersite.com/

1.0.3 - removed spinner widget for v8.xx compatability. saved with V8.1.3 Community

Search across
LiveCode Forum, Nabble Forum, StackOverflow, LiveCode Dictionary, LiveCode Lessons, GitHub, Github Gists, LiveCode Wiki, LC Quality Centre and Mail List all from one search box!

Filter Gist reults by extension
Traverse back and forward through your searches

The online dictionary was created using the WebDocMaker by
Brian Milby https://github.com/bwmilby/lc-misc/tree/master/WebDocMaker
the output modified to accept url perameters.
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bogs .
Oct 11, 2018
This is an awesome broad search tool for Livecode, works very well compiled as an outside search tool, or as a plugin from within the IDE.