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Docset Reader

SVG (6) | SQLite (4) | Browser widget (2) |
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  • James Hale
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  • 8
  • 720 Times
  • 13 November 2018
Reader for "Livecode.docset" packages made by "Make Docset"
This is still very much a work in progress.

On first opening it should take you to a setup page.
If not there is an icon to click on (gears) that will take you there.
On this page you can set the size of the stack.
In particular if building a standalone for mobile, you can set up the rough size.
This is important if you want to pre-set the font sizes for either orientation.
Remember the font size only applies to the lists if they are the only things showing. If a doc is showing ithey will apply to it.

I have moved the icons to the top of the screen (unless there is only the lists showing.)

There are no mobile commands in the script yet, so none of the things required to optimise for mobile.

Please have a play and get back to me with bugs or suggestions.

As they say in the...wherever...caveat emptor

One of my other stacks "Make Docset" produces a Livecode package containing the complete dictionary API as well as all the guides that ship with each version of Livecode.
This package can be read by DASH compatible readers that accept user contributed sources.
However not all platforms currently have such apps.
"Docset Reader" will read the livecode docset.

It has been designed to only read and display a "Livecode.docset" package.

I am hoping it is simple to make as a standalone for your platform of choice.

Apart from a few text fields it contains SVG widgets as buttons and the Browser widget to display the documentation.

It will require a "Livecode.docset" package in order to run so please ensure you have made/obtained one before running this stack.

It has be made with LC 9.01
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