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LiveCode Tips

Expander triangle
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  • 621 Times
  • 05 July 2019
This is a plugin which displays tips about using LiveCode, both the IDE and the Language. It was originally a stack included in a much older version of LiveCode.

It was created by Alan Beattie, and modified by Jeanne A. E. DeVoto. I made some minor modifications to re-create it as a plugin, and updated some of the information.

Many of the tips are relevant even if you have been using LiveCode for years.In all, there are 69 tips included in the stack. More information about the stack can be found in this thread on the forums:

First revision 05/09/2019: Added ability to create new tips and have them added to the stack.

Second revision 06/17/19:
-- Added custom property to stack to start in the last position it was moved to.

Third revision 07/05/19: Fixed issue with drop down menu not working as it should.
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