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Http (4) | JavaScript (4) |
Expander triangle
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  • Lloyd Merithew
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  • 772 Times
  • 16 August 2020
Example LiveCode Stack: "HTTP Server Services" in native LiveCode.

It is a localhost http server that will serve standard html web sites using a root folder hierarchy. It will serve Javascript, CSS, and all types of image files types within the root folder structure (see sample web site link: https://github.com/merill00/LiveCode-HTTP-Server ).

It uses the "contents/Tools/Extensions/com.livecode.library.httpd/httpd.livecodescript" library found in LiveCode desktop application.

This stack adds a function to determine the content type of a file before the server responses to a browser client request.

This allow you to use this server as a localhost server so you can host your own html website on your local machine.

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