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Expander triangle
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  • Lloyd Merithew
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  • 1
  • 366 Times
  • 25 September 2020
Rachel's Etch A Sketch is a tribute to the classic Etch A Sketchª, which is a registered trademark of Ohio Art Inc.

Rachel's Etch A Sketch is a tribute to the classic Etch A Sketchª, which is a registered trademark of Ohio Art Inc.

This is a LiveCode application created for my granddaughter for her to enjoy. I tried to duplication the functions of the original toy digitally and added color and ability to change the size of the lines being drawn. The erase button simulates the shaking of the Etch A Sketch to erase your drawing.

The application has two modes meaning that you can draw with either the mouse or the arrow keys. As you change directions using the arrow keys the cursor which is a turtle will change its direction. Both mouse movements and arrow key presses will cause the knobs to rotate in sync with the direction of movement.

The code is documented as a sample of how you could trap mouse and arrow key movements to control a pen that draws on a restricted portion of the screen (boarders of the gray screen).

The code can also be found at https://github.com/merill00/Turtle-Etch-A-Sketch.livecode
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Expander triangle