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Custom Tab Button

Custom control (20) | Examples (12) | Awesome (10) | Sampler (2) | Skin (2)
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  • Mark Schonewille
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  • 2896 Times
  • 17 April 2009
An example/library for you own custom tab buttons
This is a simple example of a custom tab button. It consists of one group and a few buttons. The group contains a script, which handles all navigation.

The panels can be on cards or in groups. The names of the buttons in the group must be the same as the cards or groups that you want to navigate. If you want to hide a number of groups and show the group "General", you need to create a group "General" and a button with the same name.

In this example, we have three groups: General, Options and Info. There are also 3 tab buttons, with the same names.

If a group has a name, while a button with that name doesn't exist in the Tab group, that group will be unaffected.

You should not call a group or a button "Tab" because the Tab group is called "Tab" already. Theoretically, you can have multiple copies of the Tab group.

Make sure to have a look at the script of card 1, to see how the hilitedTab property works.

An easy way to use this stack is by attaching it to your own project as library (substack or stackfile) and copy the Tab group wherever you want. If you need more tabs, duplicate one of the buttons in the group.
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