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1 Octave MIDI Piano

IOS (23) | Music (9) | MIDI (4) | MacOS (3) | Apple (2) | Core MIDI (2)
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  • Paul McClernan
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  • 1041 Times
  • 24 December 2018
Quick small demo of LiveCode Builder CoreMIDI extension
This stack is a small demo of the LiveCode Builder Library Extension for using Apple's CoreMIDI from LiveCode that I've started working on recently. This demo loads the extension in memory and creates a Virtual MIDI Out client through which LiveCode can send arbitrary bytes of MIDI data to a reciever MIDI app (Apple's GarageBand for example). For now only MIDI Out is implimented, but in the future I plan to add MIDI In and the ability to load Apple's DLS Instrument for direct sound output (without an external app like GarageBand).
Have Fun!
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