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Expander triangle
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  • Stam Kapetanakis
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  • 534 Times
  • 26 March 2021
ComboBox replacement
skCombobox 0.7
A group emulating a superpowered combobox replacement:
- placeholder text function to help guide user input
- search as you type to highlight a value in the popup
- New values that donÕt exist in popup will show an ÔAddÕ button to modify popup i
- Remove values in the popup by right-clicking on the value
- show/hide popup list with the return or escape keys
- arrow key navigation of popup list
- select a value in the popup list with the return or enter keys (or click on value)
- simple API to add list of values for popup and to clear popup.
- a handler skeleton to add action to be triggered after setting a value
- resize the height/width of the popup list by adjusting the dimensions of the group
(make sure 'Select Group' is inactive or group won't resize properly!)

- setValueList pValueList
Populates the popup values with the return-delimited list pValueList
Equivalent to setting the text of a button ÒComboBox MenuÓ
Example: dispatch ÒsetValueListÓ to group ÒcomboBoxÓ with tValueList

- setValue pValue
Sets the displayed/selected text
Equivalent to setting the label of a button ÒComboBox MenuÓ
Example: dispatch ÒsetValueÓ to group ÒcomboBox" with tValue

- setPlaceholderText pText
Sets the placeholder text to the supplied parameter
Example: dispatch ÒsetPlaceholderTextÓ to group ÒcomboBoxÓ with tText

- getPlaceholderText
Get the placeholder text
Example: send ÒgetPlaceholderTextÓ to group ÒcomboBox Ñ> Ôthe resultÕ now contains the placeholder text

- getValue
Gets the displayed/selected text
Example: send ÒgetValueÓ to group ÒcomboBox Ñ> Ôthe resultÕ now contains the selected value

- getValueList
Gets the list displayed in the popup (return delimited list)
Example: send ÒgetValueListÓ to group ÒcomboBox Ñ> Ôthe result' now contains the selected value

- clearCombo
clears the popup list and entry field of all values
Example: send ÒclearComboÓ to group ÒcomboBoxÓ

- initState
forces popup closed when card/group containing combobox opens and display either value or the uPlaceholderText correctly
Example: send "initState" to group "comboBox"

Version 0.7
- corrected a minor styling issue when first opening the field
- added new command 'initState' - this forces the combobox to not display any values when the card or group containing this is first openened, and displays correctly value or the uPlaceholderText
- minor change to close popuplist when value selected

Version 0.6
- corrected error with get functions, removed unnecessary custom properties
- added placeholder text functionality

Version 0.5:
- fixed get functions corrrectly using 'the result' instead of 'it'
- renamed populateCombo to setValueList for consistency
- added getValueList to get the current list of popup values, as user can modify these
- added doAction handler that triggers when the value of the display field is set, or exited.

Version 0.4:
- changed filtering to search-as-you-type to hilight a value in the popup
- if entering text that doesnÕt exist in popup, an ÔaddÕ button will appear to append to popup
- remove values from the popup by right-clicking on the line to remove
- toggle popup with either enter or escape keys
- API modified to avoid direct access of custom property
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Expander triangle
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Expander triangle