Mobile Slider scrollbar for iOS with AnimationEngine
(Change Log at Bottom, inculdes improved preformance)
This is the example stack from my Livecode example blog video, making an Mobile Slider scrollbar for iOS, android or desktop with AnimationEngine. The example can be customized to any graphic. It may need to be altered an bit, to work with your graphics, but this show an simple general concept on how we can use animation engine or math in Livecode to make simple custom UI elements.
The Stack is formated to the size of the iPad. You can use this example with any platform that livecode supports animation Engine with. Which I belive is all but Rev-Server.
Added link to see the vimeo hosted video on this example, if you need more info. It an botton away on the stack, (and works from the an simuator or device.)
Adding to device or simulator:
You will need to add animationEngine 4 stack as an substack of this stack, to work with an mobile device. Also need to set up the iOS settings in standalone settings pane, attched with an iOS development profile and your bundle ID to install on your device or work in simuator.
Also once animationEngine 4 stack is added as an substack of this stack, delete or comment block out,the preOpenStack handler. (It only there as info to know AE4 is needed with this stack to work.)
Change Log:
July 12th 2011
New Version with iOS made slider inculded.
July 22 2011
made an script change to improve preformance.