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HUD Panel Factory

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  • 11 July 2011
HUD Panel Factory, a litte tool to create HUD Panel Mac OS X
Un petit outil pour crŽer des Panel HUD Mac OS X.
En franŤais et en anglais.
In French and in English.

Version 1.1 (revision 2)
- Changing the threshold of minimum dimensions : minimum dimensions (width, height) = 40 pixels, minimum dimensions with arrow (width, height) = 102 pixels.
- Add "Initialize" button
- News interface details > direct shematic visualization...

Version 1.2 (revision 3)
Fixed a bug occuring in the host stack when there are several HUD panel made with HUD Panel Factory: arrows disappear when clicked.

Version 1.2 (revision 4)
Moving arrows fully operational.

Version 1.3 (revision 5)
Moving arrows fully operational > really !!

Version 1.4 (revision 6)
New > drag and drop the panel directly in your stack
Alt+click on the panel: show size of the panel
Alt+click on the arrows: repositioning arrows.

Version 1.5 (not uploaded)

Version 1.6 (revision 7) 11 juillet 2011 (07/11/2011)
Simplification de l'interface et ajout du redimensionnement direct / simplifying interface and adding direct resizing.
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Expander triangle
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Expander triangle