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Piccolo Installer v.1.1.6

Developer tool (35) | Development (24) | Development tool (10) | Package (2) |
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  • Roberto Trevisan
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  • 1948 Times
  • 05 April 2018
An installer generator of MacOSX and Windows installers.
"PiccoloInstaller.Livecode" is a Livecode 8.1.9 stack to be used to create Mac or Windows standalone installers.

You provide a splash image, license text, read me file, path to files or folders, to .exe or .app files, and "Piccolo Installer" will create a single executable file that you can distribute.
You can choose to create an installer for Mac, for Windows or for both platforms. It has been tested with OSX 10.12.6 and Windows 7.

"Piccolo Installer" is pretty basic in nature, and useful when you want to create a simple installer for your files. So, instead of distributing the files separately, you can package them in this neat installer.

"Piccolo Installer" is NOT FREE. You may change it, modify it, copy it. But you may not re-sell Piccolo Installer or part of it or modified copies of it.

Most of the substacks of "Piccolo Installer" are unlocked for you to experiment with and, if you find new or better ways to to things, I will be glad to hear from you.

Without registering, "Piccolo Installer" will generate installers with a "Unregistered copy" text on its windows.

More info at:

v.1.1.6 maintanance update:
- Better graphics and handling
- Updated to recent OS and LC versions
- Bugs improvement
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User Comments
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Peter Derks
Nov 26, 2018
Sorry, with Mac Pro 2012 & macOS 10.12.6 & LC 9.0.0 I get the answer "Unable to open stack: stack is corrupted, check for ~ .backup file"
2018-1126 Peter